Design Futuristic

Design Futuristic

Design Futuristic featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Shell 2030

In an era when electric vehicles have replaced gasoline engines and created a monotonous experience - this is the vehicle that will take you to your destination, in an high-interacted way. Designed with a high ergonomic standard and simplicity, that comes from the organic shapes of the Seashell. This also comes from the user's sense of safety, that feels like a protected pearl in a seashell. Honda Shell 2030 includes an innovative tilt system, that comes from the lower 'V scissors' chassis of the vehicle, which gives it efficiency in the turning circle, and a whole new user experience.

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Rapid urbanization has put pressure on air pollution, and the number of cars in cities is increasing year by year. During traffic jams, cars sit idle for long periods of time, increasing emissions. The design team at shenyang university of technology has found a way to encourage citizens to use cars with low pollution and energy consumption. Aerobic commuter trains help create truly environmentally friendly lifestyles.

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Data is becoming the important part of our lives. All products will be connected one way or the other. The creator wanted to combine the data, health and eating habits. If one person presses the Body Mass Index Pads that are placed on the both side of the plate with thumbs, then after just a few seconds, he or she might be able to see the data either on a screen on the plate, so as on the cell phone. Since the Heart Plate is going to be connected via Bluetooth with the cell phone. The app allows sharing the data with the third party like your clinic, personal doctor, nurse or personal trainer.

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In future, the technology of translating information from animals to human languages will be dramatically developed and get mature enough to be massively utilized in peoples’ ordinary life, which will be firstly focused on dog.The design uses dogs’ ability of detecting the premonition of cancer, cardiac arrest, diabetes and other diseases to create a convince translation tool that allows dogs to act as prevention for human being’s common disease. Meanwhile, the dogs can independently interact with home appliances, online hospitals, etc., to help or rescue the family members in time.

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Thousands of people could be held in a skyscraper above the reach of fire department aerial devices, once the fire is above the operational reach of aerial ladder or elevating platforms the probability of rescuing victims is almost 0. The A.F.A exoskeleton suit aim to increases firefighters’ performance in walking ,running and carrying while high-rise fire frightening. A.F.A can carry loads up to 91kg. The exo-suit is strapped over the firefighters’ clothing.The device transfers its weight, load directly to the ground, so firefighters don’t bear the weight.

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XBIKE is a transformable passenger drone-motorbike, designed to provide flexible mobility in future urban spaces. Vehicles in the future cities are less land-depended and XBIKE is a solution for this challenge. Two technologies combined to achieve lightweight and flexibility. Hubless wheels are lighter than traditional wheels and provide a free space in center of wheel. This free space used for improving airflow efficiency. Thanks to the technology of bladeless fans, airflow multiplies and it is 4 times more efficient. So the form of XBIKE based on soft lines and aerodynamic gestalt.

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